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How to Register a Trademark

A trademark refers to a certain type of intellectual property, specifically a name or a phrase or a word or even a logo, symbol or a design or a mix of all these. There are a wide range of trademarks from the conventional to the non-conventional types, which contain certain markings that do not fall under the specified category. The main aspect is to register a trademark and there are various reasons as to why should you register a trade mark and make your business happen.

A specific note or even a little symbol that is used to highlight your business is the most important factor and thus should be protected. The first step taken towards such protection is to register a trademark. However, it is important to note that you do not access any other logos or symbols that have been registered as trademarks and hence make sure the design is unique. Make sure that you perform a thorough search and then go ahead in the process of registering your trademark.

Process For Application

When you are on the look to apply for a trademark, it is not as difficult as you can think of. There are quite a few steps that make your process easier when followed with care. The first and the foremost step in the registration process is to fill out the application form that carries the below information.

  • Name of the individual who will be the owner of the trademark. It could also represent a company or a corporation.
  • The exact registered address of the organization.
  • The symbol or the drawing that you wish to register.
  • The list of products or services to which the trademark will apply.
  • The reason for filing the application and
  • The signature of the individual or a person who can sign on behalf of the company or the organization.

The above mentioned steps are really simple and if followed with ease and care, one can get their trademark registered. Although the general process is essentially the same, there are minor tweaks when it comes to registering a logo and a name and they are pretty simple as well.