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Trademark Enforcement

Enforcement means having awareness and this is very important what is happening in the marketplace in which your trademarks exist. This includes your own use, use by licensees, distributors and associates, as well as unrelated third parties. It also means a proactive bearing towards managing risks that can weaken value or in some cases result in a complete loss of rights. The 'enforcement' of intellectual property rights is properly used to defend a right or to test its validity. Enforcement of intellectual property rights is thought to be identical with litigation. However, enforcement includes a much broader range of legal, administrative and commercial strategies. The most important focus of the current review has been to look out at ways of increasing trade mark rights and offering more certainty about the validity of rights, thus potentially reducing the need for enforcement action. This is the subject of a separate review Undertaken by ACIP into the potential extension of the jurisdiction of the Federal Magistrates Service (FMS).

Trademark Brand Protection & Enforcement

Trademark brand protection & enforcement are very essential for trademark owners and this is a good path for great brand that is littered with casualties. Actually, brands are lost because Brands are lost because their owners register their trademark and forget about it, considering they are off the hook. To register trademark is the most important procedure to protect brands and the act of enforcement has the important points to make sure that federal registrations are maintained. In India, The Trademark Office needs periodic filings or they will terminate your registrations. Trademark owners should "police" their marks against unauthorized use or they risk losing valuable rights. It is very important to teach authorized users to use the marks correctly as well as monitor their use. Several trademarks have been lost through neglect and failure to take simple steps to eliminate infringers. You should protect yourself by enforcing your trademark from brand bandits that are ready and eager to advantage from your success.