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The Copyright is the legitimate and exclusive rights granted to the creator from the governmental copyright authorities through registration of his/her/its creation. These rights are regarding the personal and commercial uses, reproduction, licensing, and trading of the matters copyright. These copyright matters and materials form invaluable and significant intellectual property of individuals and entities in diverse fields of commerce, profession, and industry. Therefore, every country has its own copyright law to register, secure, and protect all matters, creations, and materials produced by its business and professional fields. Apart from these domestic copyright laws in each country, there are some international copyright laws and regulations promulgated by the Berne and Paris Convention, TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC), and the Rome Convention, to provide international and regional recognition and security to the copyright matters and materials. Prominent and popular worldwide, ours innovative law firm renders well-rounded copyright services in connection with these all domestic and international jurisdictions.

Online Copyright Services in India

Ours copyright services india, are well-facilitated by copyright online and manual, in every zone of the country. In compliance to section 9 of the Copyright Act, 1957 of India, there are established copyright offices in certain zonal locations in all across the country, for governing and regulating copyright registrations. Our adept and punctilious lawyers perform all services for copyright in india, as per the instructions and stricture of these zonal copyright offices, within their respective jurisdictions. These copyright services are available and necessary for all those new creations that fall under the broad categories of the literary, photographic, musical, choreographic, cinematographic, sculptural, artistic, and dramatic works and creations. Here, it deserves to be mentioned that the Indian copyright act has been receiving regular and contemporary amendments, to be in close consistency and conformity with most of the globally acclaimed copyright laws and regulations mentioned above. Besides domestic copyright registrations we also support all Indian people and entities in obtaining copyright registrations under these international conventions, to facilitate lavishly their international businesses in diverse sectors.