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New Company Registration

Company registration is a legal process and all new companies are registered under the company's act of a country. New company registration takes place with the help of legal and corporate professionals. After a company is incorporated, then the next step is to apply for its registration as per the rules and regulations of the company's act. These days, online company registration is gaining huge popularity among aspiring business entrepreneurs or business owners. As per the company rules and regulations, companies are primarily divided into private and public limited ones. Company registration services are immensely popular these days as new businesses are growing in each passing day. Indian Companies Act 1956 has defined all procedures and rules and regulations for registering all new companies including private and public ones. Company is an association of persons or it may be defined as an artificial person which needs to be registered under the company's act in order to continue business operations.

New Company Registration Services

Company registration is entirely a legal activity and in order to make this process smooth and simple one needs a professional who can handle these activities. The whole world is boasted with mainly two types of companies including private and public ones. Private company is one which needs minimum one lac amount as its paid up capital and minimum three shareholders to kick start the initial phase of business. A private company needs maximum 50 shareholders and these shareholders don't enjoy the power of share transfer from one to another as per the company's rules and regulations. Indian Companies Act 1956 applies to all new companies incorporated in India for registration services. The Registrar of Companies (ROC) is the appointed body under the companies act in each and every state to grant registration certificates after checking all the details.