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VAT Registration

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax levied by the Central Government on the value added to a product or services before reaching to the final customers. VAT registration is extremely important for all traders or business those are involved with manufacturing or producing of goods and services. VAT is like a sales tax but it's quite different from sales tax as it is collected once at the time of purchasing. These days, online VAT registration is fast picking up among all those business entrepreneurs in all over the country as it's really simple and flexible as compared than traditional medium. VAT is charged on the value addition to a product and for that a final customer has to pay as per the rules and regulations. All business organizations and manufacturing houses need to be registered as per the VAT registration act of the country in order to VAT annually. With the advent of online VAT registration, now, it's going to be very simple process.

Online VAT Registration Procedure in India

India is the home of many leading business organizations and manufacturing units as there is a huge potential for business in diverse sectors. Online VAT registration is widely popular in India when it comes to VAT registration for business organizations. One can register VAT through directly logging into the website and then following all steps as per the VAT registration rules and regulations. When it comes to VAT registration, the following important documents are essential to show with an application form:

  • Application for VAT with Form-1
  • CST registration Form (Form A)
  • Professional Tax Registration (Form 2)
  • Copy of the address proof of the company or business units
  • PAN number and Bank account details
  • Business Details