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International Arbitration

The unbiased and equitable international arbitrations are now-a-days quite prominent and preferable for resolving disputes in the commercial sector. The main reasons for this are - easier and quicker dispute resolution, obvious accreditation and recognition, impartiality, great convenience, and overall economy and cost-effectiveness. To facilitate it optimally and perfectly, today there are several globally recognized and reputed international arbitration laws, which form basis for prompt and proper adjudication. Any most suitable of these magnificent international laws, is usually and commonly selected by the transacting international companies for making the arbitration clause in their mutual business agreement. These international arbitration laws are mentioned in the section below, together with our international arbitration services in jurisdictions worldwide. Our law firm is one of the immensely famous and popular law firms in India and the world, with a rather extensive gamut of legal services to all economic sectors regarding all areas of the legal practice. Decent and reputed services for arbitration and other forms of alternative dispute resolution are our essential and significant services to the world of business and profession.

International Arbitration Law Services

Expeditious and impeccable services for international arbitration provided by accredited and reputed law firms (one is ours firm), the International Court of Arbitration, and other legal organizations, have been helping the normal judicial system in all across the world, in reducing its burden of resolving commercial disputes substantially. For such purposes, the most internationally recognized and popular international arbitration laws or acts are the New York Convention, 1958; the Geneva Convention, 1927; the European Convention, 1961; the Geneva Protocol, 1923, the Washington Convention, 1965; the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; and many other regulations. Our arbitrators and adjudicating judges are well-experienced in dealing with these international laws, have refined and discerning approach, and are punctilious and responsibly unbiased. So far, they have helped numerous individuals, companies, and institutions belonging to diverse economic fields, in settling their respective international disputes flawlessly and swiftly.