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Patent Services

Dedicated and perfect services for patents in all fields, form an essential and significant part of ours all legal services, in India and foreign countries worldwide. The patents are perhaps the most precious, delicate, and magnificent intellectual property of the entities in the commercial, industrial, and professional sectors in every economy. Therefore, ours internationally admired intellectual property attorneys and expert and innovative patent attorneys provide the entire gamut of legal services to inventions and patents in almost all fields in these sectors, in countries worldwide. Besides patent registrations in all domestic jurisdictions, well-supported by us are patent registrations under dominant international patent authorities like the Berne and Paris Convention, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the TRIPS Agreement, and the European Patent Convention (EPC). Ours all patent services described in the section below, apply also for other domestic or national jurisdictions.

Patent Services in India

Our services regarding patents start from the creation of an invention in any desired field of business, to the well-rounded security and protection of the same, in India, and also if desired, worldwide. The most important of these services are - well-informed and innovative support for making or finalizing any new invention, conducting extensive and scrupulous patent searches, refining the finally selected invention with the enlightening information gained from performing patent searches, drafting and filing patent applications in accordance with rules and regulations of the authorities concerned, providing rigorous patent prosecution, patent watch and monitoring, resolution of patent disputes, and handling patent infringement litigation. As far as patent search is concerned, we provide free patent search services to our regular and clinging clients of India and the world over. A huge number of individuals and entities in diverse business and profession fields have utilized and get benefited by ours free patent search india. For patent search in india, we go censoriously through the patent database nurtured by all zonal patent offices in all across the country.