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How To File a Patent

This sumptuous article bears comprehensive and expert information regarding how to file a patent at the concerned national or international level. The filing of patent application is made based on the business requirements of a company. If a company is engaged in regional or national level business in any country, then, the patent application is necessary to be filed with any State or Federal level patent office located within the jurisdiction of the given country. But, if the company also desires to conduct international or worldwide level business, then, it has to obtain patent registration under any relevant international patent treaty or convention. The most globally recognized patent conventions in today's world, are mentioned in the paragraphs below, along with other precious and productive information about patent filing. Our globally prominent and popular law firm, which is based in India, provides legal services in connection with all important areas of the law in countries worldwide, inevitably including the intellectual property law and rights, and thus, patents in all economic sectors.

In India, all domestic patents are registered with the help of zonal patent offices under the Patents Act of 1970 and the patents Rules of 1972, and the amendments made thereto from time to time. Similarly, other countries have their individual patent acts for national-level patent registration. For international or worldwide business, inventions are to be registered also with some international patent treaties and conventions like the Patent Cooperation Treaty of WIPO, the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne and Paris Convention, or the European Patent Convention. Each of these patent treaties has a large number of countries as members. As per the business plan in the targeted countries, any of these international conventions is selected; and for worldwide business, patent registrations under these all patent treaties and conventions are essential. To file a patent, in national or international jurisdiction, the common tasks or processes are - giving perfect and impeccable finishes to the newly created invention in any interested field, verifying uniqueness and patentability of the invention through making censorious patent searches at national or international level, preparing elegant and impregnable patent specification as per the rules and regulations of the patent office concerned, filing completed patent application, and then, offering robust patent prosecution at the concerned patent office.