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Patent Act

The Patent Act is certainly a magnificent and great law formed for registration, regulation, and protection of all types of new and patented inventions belonging to diverse economic sectors, within a given jurisdiction. As patented inventions and patent rights are sumptuous and invaluable intellectual property of professional and business organizations and companies, this patent act of immense importance to the concerned economic fields. Hence, every country small or big, has a well-devised patent act for such purposes within its national jurisdictions. For instance, in India such a patent law is represented by the Patents Act, 1970, together with the Patents Rules of 1972. Apart from elegant patent act or law in every individual countries worldwide, there are some international patent acts formed and nurtured by international patent conventions or treaties like the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) of the WIPO, the TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention (EPC). These international patent acts help entities located in any country of the world in extending their respective businesses to the international or worldwide levels. Our globally commended law firm based in India has been providing the full expanse of legal services regarding patents in all fields as per national and international patent acts in jurisdictions worldwide, for a long glamorous period.

Patent Act Rules in India

The federal patent law of India, the Patents Act of 1970, is now highly refined to be in proper harmony with the patent laws in other countries, and also with the international patent laws promoted by the above-mentioned international patent conventions and treaties. This patent act in india has been amended regularly in the years 1999, 2002, and 2005 for such purposes, and insert perfect provisions for registration, regulation, and protection of both product and process patents in various economic fields of India. For guiding and performing these patent related tasks and processes, there are established well-equipped zonal patent offices in every part of the countries in well-connected and well-accessible locations of Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Chennai. Our full-fledged law firm provided excellent and swift legal services for patent registrations, patent oppositions, patent prosecution, and patent infringement litigations, strictly as per the patent act rules of India, to individuals and entities located and active in diverse regions of the country. As in all other patent acts of countries worldwide, only fully original and unique inventions are registered in India, provided these are prepared, filed, and prosecuted strictly in compliance with the patent act rules of India.