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PAN Registration

Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a 10 digit alphanumeric number allotted by the Income Tax Department on the behalf of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). Therefore, PAN registration is inevitable for all citizens in the country as they all need to pay taxes on their income. PAN is considered as one of the ID proof and an essential document while in the time of employment under any company. These days, online PAN registration is fact catching the imagination of many applicants due to its easy and very simple process compared than traditional direct method. Applying for PAN registration is extremely simple as one can fill up PAN registration form by directly logging into the Income Tax Department website with giving all important personal details. The procedure of PAN registration is hassle free as online application came into existence instead of direct application.

Online PAN Card Application Procedure

Online PAN card application is absolutely simple as a layman can do it by following certain procedures laid down by the Income Tax Department of India. PAN card is allocated to individuals, Hindu Undivided Family, Company, Body of Institution, Local Authority, Artificial Judicial Person and Government for all tax purposes. It's a 10 digit alphanumeric number containing six characters and four numerical in order to certify as per the rules and regulations of the Income Tax Department. Online PAN registration is a process one can go directly to the website and click on the tab of PAN card application and then fill up a form with giving all details of information regarding name, address and source of income and profession. The applicant must pay the PAN application charges as per the Income Tax Department rules and regulations which were regulated by the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). Therefore, online PAN card registration is the need of the hour due to its easy and simple process that one can get in the comfort of his or her home.