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Copyright Symbol

Copyright symbol is the designed and designated symbol or sign used for copyright registration as per the copyright act. Copyright symbol is the circled C for all creative works except sound recordings which uses circled P for it. The use of this symbol conveys the registration of the creation in the name of the creator under the copyright registration act. Therefore, circled C stands for copyright and the copyright symbol works best for all aspiring copyright owner. The copyright symbol was first introduced in the year 1909 in USA under the section of 18. Since then, copyright symbol has been extensively used for all copyright registration in order to give them a unique identity. A copyright symbol is placed on the works in order to tell the whole world that this work is registered under the copyright act in order to protect the very original owner.

Use of Copyright Symbol

Copyright symbol can be a great use for all creative works including dramatic, literary and other creations by artists. Copyright symbol typing means using that letter C in order to protect the original creations. In India, Copyright Act came into existence in the year 1975 and then amended in the year 1999 for better management and demand by contemporary artists to include more and more creations. It's the legal right of every creator to protect his or her right in order to use it in future for other purposes or if any other person wants to use then the permission of the real owner is necessary. Copyright symbol free refers that the registering the work for the copyright purposes freely in order to give the exclusive right to the owner as it belongs to them. Therefore, using the copyright symbol conveys to the whole public at the first place whether this work is registered or not in order to save from illegal usage.