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Trademark Renewal

Trademark registration is not the end of all process for a lifelong trademark protection. Trademark renewal refers to the renewal of the existing trademark just after every ten years. Once a trademark is registered, it doesn't allow you lifetime protection. Every trademark should be renewed once it expires after ten years as per the trademark rules and regulations. Trademark is the Intellectual Property of an organization or an enterprise and, one should go as per the trademark registration act to keep it protected and safe with the help of trademark attorneys and trademark lawyers. These days, trademark registration is a very complex process and one needs to bank on a thorough research and do a professional search in order to find an innovative trademark for an aspiring trademark owner. These days, there are numbers of trademark registration firms are providing trademark renewal services at affordable prices to many small and large business houses across the country. Trademark renewal is a legal process and it's better to seek the help of a professional trademark attorney while applying for trademark renewal.

Trademark Renewal Services in India

India is the home of many leading business organizations and the day by day it's going to be next global business destination. As business grows, the requirements for trademark registration and trademark renewal services are also increasing in each passing day. In India, Trademark Registration Act, 1999 follows in each trademark renewal services for all types of business enterprises including small and big. A trademark is registered for maximum ten years as per the trademark registration act in India and then it is renewed before the six months of its expiry. Here, we are giving some legal procedures which are followed at the time of trademark renewal:

  • Preparing a trademark renewal instruction letter
  • Filling the trademark renewal application form
  • Paying renewal fee
  • Quality review
  • Confirmation from trademark registry